Stray Angels
Over 10,000 homeless and abandoned animals each year find a new home through our local shelters- could you help us get the homeless and abandoned animals to them?
Donate to Stray Angels
We work tirelessly to search out and find animals in our area whose time is up. Oftentimes, we are contacted my Animal Control's who want to give those animals a final chance at a second life. We then network that cat or dog, working hand-in-hand with many rescues in both Illinois and Missouri to obtain rescue backing and fosters. It's a never-ending cycle...but we are passionate about what we do!
We've traveled to the western region of Missouri, up to Chicago and even to Indianna to save lives. The looks of relief of their faces when they are sprung...priceless!
8 Million dogs and cats enter shelters in the U.S. each year. More than 1/2 won't make it out alive.
“In this country tax-payers spend $1 billion dollars annually to pick up, house, and euthanize homeless animals. If only 5% of that total were allocated to spay/neuter programs, we could open 250 public, low-cost spay/neuter clinics across the country and sterilize more than $4 million animals each year.”–ryannewmanfoundation.org/news
Millions pets enter animal shelters every year. More than half of pets in these shelters are euthanized because shelters are overcrowded and pets cannot be placed in homes. Your puppies and kittens could end up euthanized or suffering in the streets, or end up in these shelters.
As difficult as it is to do, healthy, playful, good-natured dogs, cats puppies and kittens are put down at an alarming rate. Shelters can't save and support the huge number of accidental litters, strays and family pets brought to the shelter door every day.
Over its lifetime, a female animal that is not fixed can have over 100 babies and male animals can literally father thousands.
There is no such thing as responsible breeding. Did you know that approximately 25% of dogs taken to animal shelters are purebred? All breeders, whether they are so-called "responsible" breeders, puppy mills or your neighbors next door, contribute to what has become an overwhelming overpopulation problem.
If we can make any kind of dent in lowering the euthanasia rate, we’re going to do it! And we have been! Please support us in our effort! Your donation makes our continued effort possible by assisting with transport costs, which add up quickly as we often travel to save animals. We appreciate any donation, no matter the amount, as it offsets what we pay out of our own pockets. Why do we do it? Because we believe all animals deserve a second chance at a loving life. We hope you do too!